Friday, January 23, 2009
day four of my i-love-iljimae-to-bits sojourn:일지매 영원히! 진짜로 사랑한다~ 제발 행북하세요 ;_;
aiish OH and has anyone watched the king and the clown yet? i say first ah, if anyone
dares to even
think that lee joon ki is gay, i will stick his/her head up where the sun don't shine
because for heaven's sake the poor man got depressed for one whole year because people like them dissed his perfectly straight orientation just based a piece of damn good acting and their own sicko fantasies. = / besides just check him out in iljimae man xD a lean toned figure, a diehard filial mentality, and the sweetest swordplay embedded in a few james-bond-worthy sequences - DOES HE LOOK GAY TO YOU?!?!?! do you need a big hairy philistine to meet your definition of masculinity or what? D:been meaning to say that for a while now :D lee joon ki 我们永远支持你!
oh and as a sort of reply-commentary to mel's livejournal's latest post which i don't really feel like commenting on but kind of need to/kind of want to, ummmmmmm i'll just say -
bbsk hwaiting! that'd be big-bang-shin-ki; bigbang-dongbangshinki or dongbang-bigbang whichever diplomatic order you want, i'm fine - but yeah la this whole pit-your-life-and-death-against-the-rival band is sooooo old can D:< hem, hem. xD hahaha omt this is such a dictatorial post, 죄송합니다~
ah and regarding this thing about. you know. going to jcs. and forgetting. and just... becoming indifferent. well. actually. really really really,
i don't think it'll happen. at least i'll do my best to not let it happen. okay. 'cuz honestly from experience (and other people's as well),
your secondary school friends last the longest. oh and did i mention that MG FRIENDS in particular seem to be made of glue, they can't unstick themselves from each other at all! D: so anyway what i'm saying is, just go ahead and enjoy jc like you should, make new friends and don't forget the old ones, be happy drink yakult watch iljimae heart lee joon ki do some bbsk-ing today; HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR (i'm going off tomorrow) and i love you guys! xD
You coloured my life @
10:20 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
day three of my iljimae orgy:iz so sad i think i'm going to cry ;_;who wants to give him a hug now; we'll all go together okay
You coloured my life @
8:46 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
disclaimer: i still love big bang
lee joon ki will forever be and remain my first love xD
(if anyone needs background knowledge i liked lee joon ki wayyyyy before super junior.)
the most beautiful man in korea.

this is him boiling my heart alive with a frame from
the king and the clown.
(which by the way, if you believe in purely platonic but extremely sweet friendships between people of the same gender, is a really really - no, is THE BEST movie you could watch. if not, just watch it for the historical content. and the epic-ness. and the tragedy. and the love. :D)

THIS is the reason why i returned to him in the end:
watch it.

it's one of
those shows where you actually feel like there's some good in this world, like you've just touched one of those magical verves that runs through every happy or cherished moment in your life, the fabric of which makes up literary classics and a good conversation between good friends and a smile between strangers and stuff like that. it is a
masterpiece. and after the cool james-bond-set-in-olden-day-korea bit at the beginning, it plunges into the most heart-rending traumatic childhood tale EVER, and then iljimae grows up and his young adult life is so unfair but his character battles everything with such endearing determination and playfulness you just cry for him ;_;
and to top it off all, the lead is none other than our dearest lee joon ki. (: did i mention his dancing is ABSOLUTION in itself? (i learnt my body wave from him!) it is the physical manifestation of the word "suave". youtube, lee jun ki dance. conoisseurs of all things beautiful, R.I.P. man. ^^
anyway, just as a byside, i resolve to cherish all my friends this year in every way possible. including Jesus (in fact he's the first one on my list). because honestly my life is nothing without them. to everyfriend out there (you know you're a my friend if you consider me one) - SARANGHAE. aishiteru. te amor. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
hahahahaha okay have a great year everyone~
You coloured my life @
9:20 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
this, my dear friends, is what is known as a
leap of joy.

thank you dear Father.
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
i know i totally doubted you at times and i know i still don't understand your ways and stuff and one day i'm going to realize that the path i always wanted and planned to take isn't always the best but for now, THANK YOU for this very unexpected gift.
SO when the seven a1s list was over and done with and there was a little straggly crowd of friends on the stage, i had a sort of strange resigned calm and i started clapping perhaps a little less enthusiastically and i settled back a bit more comfortably and relaxed-ly in my chair. oh background info as to why i'd already deemed it impossible to get more'n seven a1s: fell asleep in physics, screwed up chem prac, wrote a super controversial essay for english (plus screwed up oral) and what was that last one? - oh yeah, none of the questions i spotted for history came out. win right! - so then -
okay, the moment was/is far too epic for me to actually start describing.
8 a1s, what more can i say! :D
You coloured my life @
9:26 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
@#£$%^&**newsflash* bringing you updates from the era of the pre-o-level-results-release-date apocalypse; it's twenty-four hours to go and tension mounts all over singapore in agonizing anticipation of the big O bomb! it's panic at the disco - and everywhere else inhabited by at least one trembling o level student, for that matter - and we are seeing strange phenomena occurring all over our tropical island as manifestations of that masochistic dread which precedes every results day like a faithful yearly harbinger of doom and death and destruction; a knowing smile here, a tight-lipped grin there, ominous predictions of lifelong grounding (to non-teen readers, you may compare this suitably to a lifetime chained up in the darkest dungeons of beezelbub, chained to a desk and cleaning up beezelbub's paperwork for all of hell's blazing eternity - and we all know how bad beezelbub's paperwork is; most of hell's fires burn on his paperwork alone if that's any indication), low whispers of wills being penned, parties thrown as if to intensify future pain by experiencing present bliss, hobbies neglected, tasks strewn aside, the noblest of projects in pursuit of ultimate paradise abandoned as hundreds of students from hundreds of schools brought together in the same densely localized chronological boundary wait, with bated breath, for their earthly judgment, watching each excruciating jerk of the second hand, each stroke-inducing circular parade of the minute hand, all contributing towards the speedy sadism of the hour hand which drives relentlessly and inexorably towards the hour in which - in which -
You coloured my life @
2:06 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
if one more person tells me i'll do fine for o levels,i will kill him. or her. and i don't give a damn about ladies first or anything.
because if i
don't do well,
your words will be much harder to swallow than the kick i will aim (and execute) at your face or groin, depending on which gender you belong to.
so keep it to yourself. 'cause i don't need false hope.and to all my dear friends out there who're facing the same fate as mine on this grim monday, i'm not going to tell you to relax or chill or don't worry or anything, not just because i don't want you telling me the same thing, but also 'cause i know exactly how you feel and as far as i'm concerned, pretending everything's normal or that nothing's going to happen isn't going to do much for your pyscological sitch. and your parents might scream and shout and throw things or worse, lock you in a room and give you one of those talks that have you silently screaming and crying for days when you should be used to it by now, but i think this much i can say - that every one of your friends will be there for you because since when were our friendships ever based on grades? so it's not much i can offer, but you have my shoulder to cry on ^^
oh but this is extremely pessimistic of me. of course, excluding murphy's law and every other ineffable rule of the world which states that the unexpected should become the expected simply because it is unexpected, then i expect every one of you, 4T-ians, 4G-ians, after-school crowd and every other random but note-worthy acquaintance of mine to get - maybe not 6 A1s, but enough to enter wherever you're aspiring to. and when that happens you'll owe me a drink. (x
and in the meantime i'll scrutinize the verse which says (vaguely adapted) that our Father won't give us anything we can't handle. and wonder, worst come to worst (in my opinion), what good i can do for this world sweeping roads.
(if you're stuck brooding over the same dark destinies as mine, here's a topic to distract you: what would i do if were working on the same patch of road as the world-renowned road-sweeper jaime liew?
a. throw myself in front of a car in abject defeat
b. do what i can with my lot in life, sweep dilligently and stay out of jaime's way, meanwhile wishing with every scrap of my being that i were more puny and inconspicuous than the aforesaid luminary's one hundred and fifty-eight centimetres
c. get your own rival road-sweeper gang and (futilely) attempt to out-sweep j.l., not knowing that j.l. has already sworn every potential rival into a Supreme Sweeperhood in pursuit of truth, justice and beauty, and also to prevent this sort of half-assed road-sweeping competition
d. join the Supreme Sweeperhood and conquer the world
e. sit by the side of the road and let the idiot sweep the whole road
herself, since she thinks she's so damn imba)
anyway, i'm FINALLY learning korean (maybe it's the sort of efficiency and determination that the feeling of the End Being Near gives you, kind of like how your life flashes past you before you end up pushing daisies), aaaand i'm starting on two new artistic projects that
hopefully will survive after my imminent passage away (or worse).
oh, and i'm reading
lolita. it's sick and perverted and everything the reviews claimed it to be and much more, and any further commentary will render this paragraph R21 and i still don't know how to add the pop-up disclaimer thing or the livejournal one that reminds you "i am 14 and above and mature enough to read this" (like you'd say otherwise if you really wanted to read it but hey at least the website's legal), so i'll just say that it's
juicy (feel it bounce around your palate!) and offer to lend it to anyone after i'm done with it, which should be three weeks from now. (:
okay i think your mom's calling you for dinner, you'd better run! ANNYEONG <3 xD
(see you on monday if i will!)
You coloured my life @
5:07 PM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
did i mention to anyone that
yours truly now has a bose system sitting happily atop her desk? well in case i forgot, i do. xDso ends my quest for truth, love, beauty and all the awesomest feel-good things of the world xD haha okay no kidding i still haven't painted my first self-initiated oil painting (the others being forcefully willed upon me by cambridge examiners, torturously administered through the subtle hand of one mr ong ;_;) and neither have i completed my ten-week dance course nor learnt korean or kissed a boy or lifted liana's shirt or any of those things, but dang - having a bose is still as good as having a year long supply of subbed big bang vids, and that my loves is sayin' somethin'. actually no i'd trade ten years of subbed big bang vids for a bose, but let's not say it too loudly or someone might hear shhhh~if by now anyone hasn't realized what a bose system is, i'll spare you the sardonic comments and what i'd like to think of as my one-in-a-million drop-you-dead you-live-in-a-cave stare and get straight to the point simply because my bose is awesome and i can't wait to wax lyrical about it - it's officially the most awesome heart-bedduming swoon-worthy sound system in the world AND I LOVE IT. :D:D:D
so there's this huuuge denon tuner on top of which is an almost-equally huuuuge amplifier (okay huge for my puny-proportioned table) which takes up a crapload of space on my desk, although i shouldn't even be mentioning that because a bit of space is a SMALL PRICE TO PAY for having this black beauty in your room, and then the quaint bose speakers sit at either end on the top shelf of my table, little angels of sound radiating the most beautiful music to every corner of the room, and then you have the awe-inspiring bose subwoofer patiently positioned beside my desk, emitting the most
addictive subsonic bass soundwaves and yes you guessed it that IS absolutely my most favourite part of the whole thing, but i still have heaps of love for the rest of the metal-and-electricity combination. ^^
okay that's the impression you get after actually
listening to it (or after dreaming about a bose for nigh on six or so years), because while it looks like so many parts of a black and square genie to me, what i
think most people actually see comprises of a messy-ish disjointed five-piece sound set, all dull black and big and geometrically imposing and out-of-place. but hey come on what else could you think after you've heard its thumpin' good beddums? or even more imba, the bose coupled with my zen stone - because i customized my equalizer in my zen to add an extra base boost, plus you turn off the subsonic filter on the bose, and then the bose's own awesomeness adds the last oomph with a beautiful flourish and that, my friends, is as close to heaven-in-your-own-stupid-pink-room as you can get.
who's up for a visit! xDokay my bose is blushing. change topic. right so today i went for my very first outside dance lesson (outside = not in school) with one of my coolest friends and it was hip hop and IT WAS AWESOME xD all the things you always see the professionals doing and dreamt of doing but not daring to try, WE DID 'EM ALL! no kidding definitely not all, but hey it's a start xD hahaha but omt we are so fail okay y'know the workout bit at the beginning of every lesson?
i'll just put a very eloquent three dots right here~
...and move on to the after-effects. aching? definitely. in pain? absolutely. crumpled out on the floor screaming blue murder? without a doubt. okay minus the screaming bit; we didn't want to attract to much attention BUT I ASSURE YOU we were yelling our lungs out deep in our hearts ;_; and - stumbling out of class gasping for a cold sweet top-up drink? YOU CAN BET ON IT. that is SUCH a smart business okay. a dance studio with accompanying super-ex cafe; now we know how such a small business survived =_=
but it's cool. so i'm not complaining. ^^
right i'm getting back to life and fretting over the O bomb (MY MOM SAYS IT'S EARLY JAN AND MY FRIEND NEAR-CONFIRMS IT'S 12TH JAN, SOS) haengbok hamnida! (((:
oh and -
hwaiting for 2009 always remember that in life there's always something to look forward to~
annyeong! (:
You coloured my life @
8:43 PM