Saturday, November 29, 2008
my. table. erupted.freaking vesuvius
evolved in my room and did a couple of stretches and belches AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN BEAR TO LOOK AT MY TABLE IT'S THAT MESSY. if you know me at all it takes a
lot. to convince me that something IS messy. i mean i indulge in organized messes. but this - this isn't a mess... it's like. a
mass. of stuff.
oh, girl, i cry cry ;_;aiish and my SOLID FUEL from obs a couple years back?
traveled!went here, went there
LIKE WTH MAN WHAT IS MY TABLE HARBOURING!!!! weapons of self-destruction?!
\ /
and my freaking!throat! I CAN'T BREATHE PROPERLY is that normal? oh well wth wth wth life succckkkssss HAHAHAHA i'm sounding like a dang emo kid man WELL WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO EMO NOW AND THEN.
kk i can feel incoherency creeping over me i'm signing off before i say stuff that i shouldn't, like hmmmm how much yakult i have left in the fridge (cuz, you know, for the really intelligent ones, they could use this to blackmail/threaten me) or stuff like that xD
'night y'all!
You coloured my life @
9:03 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
oh, and whoever thinks that water tastes good/ is tasteless is a nerd.water is the most disgusting substance to drink alone.
You coloured my life @
2:01 PM
okay so i've got
a cold
a cough
a callousy throat
a custardy nose
crackpot flu.T_T
and no, i can't even relish not-going-to-school because
i don't have school.helloooo~
whoever knew that sharing a drink could be so lethal man!
especially when the person looks well and good.can even demo a few porno-esque dance moves T_TSRSLY
i'm stuck at home PLAYING NEOPETS /banging on the piano /blasting music /smsing my regrets to people whom i'm missing an appointment with /making feeble half-hearted attempts at clearing my table, which obviously isn't going to happen because the added dust and grit flying around is going to
turn me into a snot-monster, which isn't a humane condition under any circumstances, including snot-coloured neopets.
so potato. i sincerely sincerely hope you're quite okay now after finishing half of my bandung. choeseonghamnida man ><yeah i'm totally back to
slugging around my house (is this coincidence, or what?) haha speaking of which had a
blasted awesome good time at potato's house watched initial D! - i still think edison chen is damned dead hot - laughed at jay chou's wooden acting / banged on the piano - hahahahaha potato actually you quite pro already la i was purposely making it hard for you to learn "so you got it?" "okay already right?" "right back to the chorus" *flumps hands here and there* xD just to see what you'd do AND YOU GOT IT MAN xD *glomp*oh yuck!- i just cracked my neck and a whole lot of sludge just slipped diagonally back down my throat -
yeah anyway so according to potato T_T i'm going to be studying youtube for the next two months or so like i raped my chem textbook - trying to learn BoA's eat you up dong bang's mirotic and wrong number, bleaching away, and spoofing classical music. during interludes, i will be hard at work painting her canvas wallet, which has yet to appear before my eyes despite all my best mantras and sutras and what-have-you to conjure it. while brushing my teeth, i'm supposed to use the added foam and lubricant to coax beatboxing skills out of my mouth (potato's completely serious about this she'll make me brush my teeth SEVEN TIMES A DAY just to learn it so i can become her piano accompaniment - sp?). oh RIGHT i forgot - i need to play japanese theme songs while i sleep so i can dream up a proper crystalleanes storyboard. if i happen to have a few extra minutes in my daily 24 hours not spent doing all of the above - eg during walking from bathroom to bedroom - i will have a board attached to my left wrist so i can actually
draw out what i dream. and did i mention potato also provided me with a time machine so i can have a few extra milliseconds to dream up our potato-slug jacket? - but of course extra time doesn't come for free - i need to give 15 years of my life for every extra second i gain. either that or my fringe. but i ain't giving up my fringe.
seriously potato you can go teach bondage lessons already la.
oh and recently i've been - wait for it -
yeah without triggering allergic reactions like having to lick the drainpipe or disgusting stuff like that! (((:
and anyway i have decided -
I LOVE BON JOVI. it's my life my life MY LIFE xDDD okay i know that isn't true but dang i. love. the. song. it can actually make me as high as big bang's shake it can. xD and that, if you know me at all, is the highest compliment i can pay to any thumpin' good beddum.
You coloured my life @
12:36 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
HAHAHAHA this made my day a few days ago:
check out the GDYB action man xDg-dragon lifting up taeyang's shirt no less ^^
and his six-pack.
and THIS made my whole week - and most likely my whole month:
big bang won male group of the year
and ARTIST OF THE YEAR (daesang).
OMTOMTOMTOMTOMTOMT after a whole month of grumbling about how a particular other group keeps besting our boys...
seriously thank you LORD you know how hard i prayed for this man xD
i love you guys you worked hard you deserve this man.

oh and my dong bang fan-friends, i'm sorry i didn't tell you about the whole voting thing on but honestly it looked like dong bang was winning. ^^
it's been an eventful week xD
oh and the scholars are off! GOD BLESS YOU GUYS (((: i stood the whole ride on the green line from clementi to changi airport okay. that's how much i love you guys man BETTER FEEL THE LOVE.
You coloured my life @
3:44 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
hahahahahaha!okay i'm a dweeb. SO WHAT T_T1) the last person who tagged you is:
2) your relationship with him/her is:
potato-slug. it's complicated.
3) your impressions on him/her is:
i'd like to say tall, dark and mysterious... but sorry 'tato i can't do it ^^ more like schizo, physically fragile but emotionally hardy, headstrong and damn awesome fun. xD
4) the most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
got herself tangled up in the k-web. xD okay maybe that wasn't for me BUT I FLATTER MYSELF THAT IT WAS xD
5) the most memorable thing he/she said to you:
"your dancing is awesome!" why thank you xD or like "HAHA you SLUG" when i was chugging up the stairs
6) if he/she becomes your lover you will:
be sick in the bathroom
7) if he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
her gender
8) if he/she becomes your enemy , the reason will be:
won't happen
9) the most desired thing you wanna do for him/her now is:
make her laugh (too! xD) because when she starts i start annen i start improving my stomach abs.
10) your overall impression on him/her is:
potato. come on la it would take AGESS to characterize ANYBODY let alone this underground stem. ^^
xD okay happy now gayle!
You coloured my life @
7:53 PM
from two days of hardcore walking. and standing. because no one gives up a seat on the mrt to a heavily-burdened but coolly-dressed hooligan. T_Twell before i trundle off to slurp my terribly unhealthy instant noodles, my dear potato (a.k.a our dear gayle, for those who know her) just did this thing on her blog so now i gotta do it =_= ah well i guess i got
some time xD
1) the last person who tagged you is:
... me? = / no tha'll be shil xD
2) your relationship with him/her is:
mother-son. (: <
3) your impressions on him/her is:
tall, dark and mysterious
4) the most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
came for my birthday xD
5) the most memorable thing he/she said to you:
can't remember the exact quote, but it's either something to do with happy birthday, polar bears or ahhhh my email can't work!
6) if he/she becomes your lover you will:
7) if he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
learn to relax more. but still
8) if he/she becomes your enemy , the reason will be:
he's absolutely realistic and i'm completely idealistic
9) the most desired thing you wanna do for him/her now is:
make him laugh. cuz he doesn't. ):
10) your overall impression on him/her is:
tall, dark and mysterious xD
11) how you think people around you feel about you:
that i'm very weird ;_;
12) the character you love about yourself is:
that i'm very weird? (:
13) on the contrary, the character you hate about yourself is:
i can't fathom un-weird people so i don't know how to treat them properly ;_;
14) the most ideal person you wanna be is:
cut and paste the MGS motto. i can't say it now it hurts too much that i'm not in that school anymore ;_;
15) pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:
1) bat
2) lyddie a.k.a aggie xD - but it won't happen cuz she don't read blogs
3) ahma (but i can't imagine her doing quizzes ^^)
4) hyung
5) liana (doesn't read blogs)
6) mel (ditto)
7) sann (ditto)
8) shil
9) miss tan
10) my dog
16) who is no. 6 having a relationship with?
jaejoong and the rest of dong bang
17) is no. 9 a male or a female?
18) if no. 7 and no. 10 are together , will it be a good thing?
19) how about no. 8 and 5 ?
no not really different religions = /
20) what is no. 2 studying about?
... just ended Os! NO MORE STUDYING xD
21) when was the last time you had a chat with no. 3 ?
22) what music band does no. 8 like?
O_o no band? like... western classical ._.
23) does no. 1 have any siblings?
*cough*idunno*cough* i think um one brother ._. or did i just imagine that SORRY BAT ;_;
24) will you woo no. 3 ?
O_O ahma cover your eyes
25) how bout no. 7?
O_O i might xD
26) Is no. 10 single?
yeah she's castrated... i mean sterilised.
27) whats the surname of no. 5?
28) whats the hobby of no. 4?
hmmmmmmm dbsk-ing, baking, doing art that she actually enjoys? chilling out, basically - cuz she's hyung xD
29) do no. 5 and 9 get along?
yeah pretty well i should say
30) where is no. 2 studying at?
we're not in a school anymore ;_; but the last i checked it was MGS
31) talk something casually about no.1?
reading fanfic? anyway YAY Os ARE OVER LIFE IS WAITING FOR YOU TALK TO HIM xD32) have you tried to develop feelings for no.8?
33) where does no. 9 live at?
brsshh i dunno some seriously far place like uh kranji-ish? = /
34) what colour does no. 4 like?
O_O does an art girl have a favourite colour
we hate them all! they misbehave so badly grr hmm black = /35) are no. 1 and 5 best friends?
nehhh they're both scared of each other xD
36) does no. 7 like no. 2?
like as in? LURRVEEE? actually i think so. ^^
37) how do you get to know no. 2?
my awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome counterpart in p5, AGGIEEE xD
38) does no. 1 have any pets?
um no against religion...?
39) is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
i'd say yes but then i remember taeyang xD okay yeah the sexiest in class. when she plays netball. (:
You coloured my life @
11:22 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
GONG LI IS NOW A SINGAPOREAN! :Dwe have a celeb in this sunny island! xD
well anyway i was just asking my mom, what do you need to become a singapore citizen? and she told me, something along the lines of needing a professional job, a certain income level etc etc. annen i thought about it for a while, cuz if you need a prof. job then foreign li'l kids can't become singapore citizens right? so i asked her,
"what about kiddos?"and she said "kiddos don't become singapore citizens." and only those
born in singapore are. and in fact the govt takes great pains to ensure that children of non-singapore citizens are not born here - which is why if a foreign worker gets pregnant she's deported immediately. well HOW'S THAT FOLKS! :D
so be proud of it man! :D
You coloured my life @
10:20 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
maisie's birthday is tomorrow, so
TABI says "saengil chukha hamnida!" ^^

anyway i managed to do up my
new blogskin in under two hours! RECORD. (: with my mom in the house! plus sourcing, reformatting, troubleshooting etc etc etc had a few hiccups with the cbox, you can see i've got a new one. colour's different anyway~
You coloured my life @
5:51 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
for anyone who needs a bit of prettiness to look at:
my dog.
meet skippy! isn't she the most beautiful thing? ^^

most definitely, incredible

then big bang doesn't have to work 'till they get less sleep than art girls.
yes, much less sleep than art girls.
didn't know that was possible? ^^
well that's BIG BANG for you; they work for their fans! :D
but their fans want them to take good care of themselves
you know you want to~
oh yes, and that's taeyang blowing bubble gum up there. xD (hoo boy he's talented man. dancing, singing, standing-around-looking-cool, playing the piano, and now blowing gum! okay admittedly it could be a bigger bubble but yours truly can't even bother to chew the taste out of the gum, much less exert the tongue and jaw to produce a popper. indeed, bubblegumblowers have admirable perseverance, philosophy, and professionality. my highest respect goes out to those who blow gum. AND NOW I FIND OUT TAEYANG CAN DO IT xD *runs around the room screaming*)
while we're on the subject, allow me to compliment big bang on their AESTHETICALLY WIN!newconcept for their album xD finally, a group breaking away from the convention of dark palettes, from-under-the-eyelids-melt-your-heart looks... and it's none other than BIG BANG! :D as always with taeyang in the centre - i think it may have to do with concealing his true lack of real manly height - and the whole thing looking absolutely refreshing and overflowing with charisma xD
hahaha anyway back to the more pressing issue at hand (other than raising funds to get big bang's new album xD) - O LEVELSZZXX D: i'm scared stiff for lit >
on a happier note, O LEVELS IS ALMOST OVER SO TAKE HEART ALL YE SUFFERING SINGAPOREAN SCHOOL STUDENTS! haha seriously i just found out recently exactly how much my friends are looking forward to the end of Os... dropped my usual email correspondents (from my class) a postscript - "oh yeah so what're we going to do afte Os?" - and four hours later, i arrived back at the com to discover a whopping thirty-two emails waiting in my bloated inbox. srsly guys check the enthusiasm a little; it's overflowing into the house and my parents are getting suspicious ._. xD
well that said and done, i really need to get back to immersing myself in the finer intricacies of my beloved mother tongue, especially since i lost my dicky (my dictionary; whatever were you thinking! i'm shocked. shocked!) and won't be able to enlist its help tomorrow ^^
annyeonghigyeseyo! (or annyeonghikaseyo, i can't remember how to differentiate them anymore) HWAITING and work hard like big bang!
and may the blessings of our dear heavenly Father follow you always (:
goodnight and goodbye and keep well!
<3 the Darkening Dawn
You coloured my life @
9:32 PM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
help my nose is bleeding real bad
look there's our boy looking as fine as he ever did xD

did YOU ever see winter clothing look so hot?
'cause i sure haven't.
taeyang makes winter look positively warm.

and everytime i see THIS one i stop breathing for about ten seconds.

ne and thus concludes this fine night's session on the ZOMGLOOKATTAEYANG series! :D i hope you enjoyed yourself; it's JAIME LIEW always with you, good luck and God bless!
You coloured my life @
11:46 PM