Tuesday, July 29, 2008
when your pile of homework isn't getting any less no matter how hard you slog away at it with one malfunctioning eye,you know it's time to get philosophicalon your blog.so.my inefficient brain just went on a hiatus to bali or japan or some obscure made-up fantasy land conceived in my short and sad past. in its travels, it sent back non sequitur tidbits of information on Life and how to cheat in it (or so it thinks).
stuff like.
1. look towards the 13th of November and not the 20th of October.after all, the whole
point of the 20th of October IS to lead up to the 13th of November, in't it?
2. study smart. you win not by doing more of the same thing than other people, but by doing something different from other people.so don't be an idiot and do your TYS three times, like some people swear by. time is money and money is time and TYS sure ain't worth your time or money. move on already! if you'd just look around, Popular is guidebooks and assessment books galore xD
3. on humanity: have you a glass heart or a jelly heart?this came out of reading and doing too many of those chinese comprehensions which specialize specially in lengthy commentaries on moral values and being a human and suchlike. i can just imagine myself composing an entire examination piece on this topic, scribbling in messy-neat chinese calligraphy
ni yong you de shi yi ge bo li xin huo shi yi ge zhe-ye-li xin? glass hearts are often used to describe the pure and transparent character of the hearts of little kids (a STEREOTYPICAL view, of course; the little kids in OUR school block have hearts like that in Davy Jones' locker T_T). BUT I SAY JELLY HEARTS ARE ALWAYS BETTER and the reason why jelly hearts aren't immortalized as a noble metaphor for
good moral character is because chinese doesn't have a nice name for it. WHY JELLY HEARTS? cuz not only are they transparent (you neh know, the refractive index of jelly may even be LESS than that of glass! :D), they're nice and malleable - YET NEVER CONFORMING - and best of all, they're sweet and
hence they make people happy. and what do glass hearts do? sit and stone. very good, glass-hearted.
- but of course all this is subjective. i mean MY heart is obviously made of BLACK glass, but it goes all jellified and blushes transparent at the thought of O levels. so. = /
my brain is retarded la.
i swear i'll post the pictures as soon as the lump of my left eye heals and i can finally distinguish between good pics and pics of a pontianak. but you know, you COULD always make good use of my spanking new facebook account to look at random tagged pics AND OF COURSE, ALL MY PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY
gorgeous friends in MG. tell me MGS girls are the fairest of them all. xD liana was completely
fever, jong was absolutely beautiful if i may say so xD, grace fong was cinderella, ahma was O_O :D:D well DONE ahma xD, THIAM aiish thiam what on earth - take off braces grow long hair buy korean dress thiam ah thiam ^^ topped off with an awesome awsome camera (:, HYUNG sexxyyy xD, melin <3, claire chong sze nat wong audrey tan char la YOU GUYS CAN GO BE MODELS ALREADY LA wth T_T, AV HONEYY completely turned me ON ^^, the dance girls were simply to die for and WHEEEEE MY EYES MY EYES
happiness. (mebbe that's why my eye is completely collapsed now xD)
aiya BAT WHY YOU NEH COME D:oh yes and THE NEW DANCE COMM. well i know you guys don't exactly read this but oh well the world deserves to know.
laura janice audrey jiahui charlotte. and glenda and celeste. okay imma be frank and right out that this wasn't the comm i
expected, but HEY that doesn't mean it's not an ideal comm! OUR comm was hardly the predicted outcome but come on man. what comm rocks more than ours xD AND YOU GUYS CAN BE EVEN BETTER. i have faith in all of you - i've watched you grow, watched you dance, watched you cry, watched you bleed - and just give your best for the best cca ever. promise! and i'll come back often and bug you guys because i love you all so much xD GO FORTH AND CONQUER MAN.
okay back to my books now if by the time i get off the com my left of the side of the face has stopped throbbing. aiish. ah well at least it happened after founder's. but then again, it was most probably caused by founder's T_T all the stuff that went on my face! D:
stop asking me about art. i have a plan. and whether or not i manage to execute that plan depends on circumstances (unwelcome extra assignments, physical and mental wellbeing). but you guys telling me that i'm suicidal not doing my art now is not going to help SO I APPRECIATE IT VERY MUCH THAT Y'ALL MISS ME SO MUCH xD but please. no more no more ^^ hmm mr ong, if you're reading this do you happen to have any ideas for an installation? i kinda like the idea of chains all over the place but i needa justify it. = /
oh yeah and if anyone's interested to know where i actually spend my afternoons, it's at HOME burying my face and hair and everything in my guidebooks. because you know what, i love art but it's only ONE a1. (although i wish it wasn't so.)
saranghaeyo! (:
in furious pursuit of antiknowledge
You coloured my life @
11:30 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
i've been in a mugger slump lately. that is to say I JUST DON'T FEEL STRESSED ANYMORE and that's really really scary it's like i'm numb and with completely no motivation for ANYTHING; art, physics, chem, amath, everythinggg
but hey i think our dear Lord really has everything in his hands man. if i were as stressed as last week i wouldn't be able to enjoy anything in this week. and BOY has there been a lot to savour in the past three days! ((((((((((:
monday - off on another PSB date! :D:D thank you boss (: AIYA BAT WHY YOU NEH COME ;_;
tuesday -
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONG. i'll never know another piggie as awesome as you! :D:D haha so yes my afternoon spent EATING LUNCH (zomg i sinnneeddd) with you and shuyi and liana was completely not wasted. and seriously thank God i wasn't so bothered about my art as to be very bad company. loveeee! (:
wednesday -
sec 4 farewell.
okay i knew i was going to cry but - D: it was like something BROKE inside me or something ;_; s'gotta be the most choked-on speech i've ever made >_< look at how far we've come. i've never loved my juniors this much before. we're REALLY, truly a family now.
in the light of dance.mg dance i love you forever and ever amen.thank you so much for everything you've given me.
SEC 4s! :D
we'll come back so often you'll get sick of us >= )
jiayou for everything in life!
saranghamnida (((((((:
/on a heavier note, I'M GOING TO DIE EARLIER THAN I THOUGHT (and my estimate was 20 ;_;) argh seven of the colours i use in oil paints are TOXIC wth! D: (and my uniform is... smothered in it OHNO I JUST REALIZED) add to that the turpentine fumes wafting all around the room from people eagerly transforming thick oil paint into watercolour washes ;_; AND YOU GET AN ARTROOM FULL OF DRUGGED, DRUNK AND STUPID MG GIRLS
hahahaha whatever la. art is my life and it will take my life. ;_;
goodnight everyone! (: haengbok hamnida! :D
You coloured my life @
9:34 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
argh these are the times when i really REALLY
wish i still had dance to burn the lipids D:if i can't stop eating (and i can't),
imma go running everyday. >= /i shall go running before art. 'nen with adrenalin pumping through my system, i will climb up six flights of stairs to my personal paradoxical hell 'nnen I WILL PAINT UNTIL THE COWS COME HOME (or super junior comes to singapore T_T).
= / don't ask me what i'm going to do about chem and physics. i'm working on that.
jiayou art girls!!!!!!!!! (((((((((:WE WILL SURVIVE
mr ong you'll see! T_TARGH KILL ME NOW
dreaming of hara-kiri
the Darkening Dawn.
You coloured my life @
11:17 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
mg dance night '08and the butterfly breaks free of the cocoon (:i think i hadn't performed in front of a
real audience (and not a panel of stone-faced SYF judges) for so long i was getting withdrawal symptoms D:
like, random camwhoring urges ^^ (ripped off yiling's blog xD):

above: my beautiful dance comm. (:
and below: the wonderful people who came to support <3
thanks to the teachers-in-charge, mrs joyce ang, mrs grace poh, mrs nicole phua, mrs seetoh xD awesome awesome people who constantly encouraged us and probably worked harder than anyone else (:
to my friends and family, random sms people boss&bat xD, rmun doodes pek zk ziyad ros ros' cousin (and jerrell though you weren't there ;_;), sann liana jong sarah nicole eunice nat wong audrey melin and gang (i'm sorry if i don't remember D: but i APPREICIATE IT ALL THE SAME), gayleee xD, marcus, BUDDEEEEEE mommy daddy! (: hahahaha you guys made all the difference between an extraordinary and a perfect night xD
to stong for pictures (i'm thanking you in advance so pressure pressure >=D) and for being the awesomest most SADISTIC art teacher ever;
to the prettiest bunch of girls i'll ever know - mg dance comm '08! zomg i can't say this enough - i love you guys so MUCH i could cry D: i couldn't be prouder of sharing the stage with people like all of you - janice laura sheryl grace yiling sharon; just THANK YOU for making my last year in mg dance club one of the happiest of my life. (: <3love>
high tea tmr xD
goodnight everybody (: all the best in your future dance of life!
You coloured my life @
9:47 PM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
heeeelppp D:i need to stop eating.;_;
why does food have to taste SO GOOD?!
wallowing in the flabs,
the Darkening Dawn
You coloured my life @
11:13 PM