Friday, February 29, 2008
come for band(age), it's so fun!it's something for the audi, 8 of March-tickets are not free-of-charge!15 bucks to come and seethe show will start at SEVEN THIRTY!free seating so come earlydo your part for CHA-RI-TY!help the people in St. Luke'sahgong ahma all so CUTESSZZXX!!!!there it's on my blog, my msn nickname, my msn personal message. i've scarred myself emotionally twice telling people about this shiro band concert. mm, what else can i do? shall i just tattoo it on my forehead while i'm at it?
AIYA COME FOR BAND(AGE)! it's an MGS FUNDRAISING PROJECT IN AID OF THE ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL, which is an organization dedicated to providing quality healthcare services to patients requiring long-term but not so hi-tech care. every year mgs holds a fundraising event to support St. Luke's financially and this year, we give you
BAND(AGE)! featuring bands from schools all over Singapore, it's going to be a thrilling night of fun and music. I'm going. She's going. EVERYBODY'S going. Are YOU going?*plasters a "come hither" look on the face* come on. it'll be fun... i promise.
i'm going to bed.
You coloured my life @
10:57 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
woah it's been a completely @#£$%^&* week man. totally 100% fubar.
haha i was walking home and i was thinking of the time when i went with liana chek to get cheapo prizes for LTC from a wholesaler, this funny old chinese guy with the look of a prosperous towkay.
after that i kenna slapped by liana chek. T_T
but he was really a very nice guy. minus GST plus "stooden discount"! (((((:
(of course maybe it was just us la but i'll give him the credit ^^)
recently life's not bittersweet anymore - it's sweet and sour. but sometimes not sweet and sour, even. sometimes i wonder where the sugar went.
but speaking of sugar, ARGH I AM GOING ON A FREAKING DIET OKAY!
MOMMY HEARD THAT. T_T no, my clothes are fudging cool kay and no, contrary to [your] belief i CAN actually fit into them T_T and no, the only reason why you think i'm fat is cuz the rest of the family is anorexic and it especially looks that way when i stand next to budd, who has no lipids to speak of whatsoever but WHO CARES, i'll go on a diet anyway. T_Tand everyone else who's read this you're supposed to stop me from eating my 2nd/3rd/4th helping of food wherever i go.
oh yeah -
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE FONG! i know you ain't reading this but oh well happy birthday anyway and I LOVE YOU! and yesyes i know your present is late - as usual - but i swear i'll get it to you by the end of... um. February. promise. =Xsann get well soon and stop moping around the school with your Nine Thunderclouds of Heaven.
av honey, just go to youtube and type in "E.H.B ep 1 eng sub". there's part 1 2 3 4 and some episodes there are 5 or 6 or 7 parts i think i'm not sure but you're smart enough to figure it all out, so ALL THE WAY and get some suju love man.
mr ong you didn't tell your replacement teacher that we're allowed to go at 4.30? i think she was real mad when we told her we ought to leave at 4.30 especially cuz most of us were unprepared to do prepwork till 6. =X and also cuz you weren't there playing lameo music. happy reservicing ^^
cya peeps!
You coloured my life @
6:41 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
i just don't know how to show my love sometimes.
You coloured my life @
8:14 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
saturday was super retarded.
go to see why.
well anyway i thought i oughtta say. miracles DO happen xD thank GOD they do, really really thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. xD so yeah freaking out over art again, @#£$%^&* drawing and painting test with accompanying @#£$%^&* prepwork which takes so long to do, if i still had my perfectionist habits i'd still be doing last year's drawing and painting exam prepwork now. much less THIS round of prepwork. spent saturday and sunday convincing myself (while doing the prepwork la!) that it's okay don't panic you already lost enough years of your life worrying and staying up to miss maldives going underwater permanently. but, i tell myself, on monday i have dance until 5 and heaven knows it's NOT going to end at five, it never does, by the time i'm done packing my bag and got my ass home it's going to be effing SEVEN and what superhuman finishes prepwork starting from seven?! oh jaime liew, did you forget about the chinese ci yu test on tuesday, yeah you know THOSE ci yu tests where you study the textbook like the Bible, use your intuition and paranoia to highlight every single word you think may come out and memorise it?
those?there've been times where i needed a miracle before. i added another one to the list just by trying to get through Megadeath Monday. been through frenzied despair before but it hasn't helped with learning how to bear with it and somehow lately i just can't bring myself to stay up the whole night anymore. stupid human with stupid human problems but ARGH, it's doesn't make it any less painful to get through it. T_T
so YES! can you BELIEVE it - a total miracle - xie tian xie di -
cancelled. zaki not coming. i could've cried for relief 'cept for the fact that my juniors were the ones bringing the tidings of great joy and i sure wasn't going to disgrace myself in front of them ^^ said a cynical "hallelujah." but @#£$%^&*! i REALLY meant it. could i have survived without that man. without my dear Father's help. /could i survive without air, or food, or yakult? - no i'm just kidding. how can our need for him be compared to yakult cravings. i know i'm not really a good christian or anything but when you get this crystal clear message that God cares for you how can you not just feel like jumping into the air singing "better than life"? xD
awesome stuff man.
haha you know i was going to complain about st lukes and how it's killing us softly and all (hey we can do that as a guest item! howcool) but HELL, st lukes ain't getting me down now.
if my God is for me, then who can be against me?xD
/i've been a little piece of s**t lately. a total girl. so i'm really really sorry everyone i'm trying to stick to my guy side and be nicer and all. i really can't handle it when my friends are depressed, i don't KNOW how to comfort them or anything and that sucks because my friends gave a whole lot to me so i'm really really really sorry it's Guy Jaime coming up. i think. i hope./
WELL anyway!
during those three hellish hours in which we desperately slogged away trying to work something out of tubes of chunky acrylic paint, i thought of something that just might benefit the world xD
how to make life easier for your drawing and painting test/exam!1. in your artist research, ALWAYS reference impressionist painters.
2. for your background, always draw a sky. rub in a bit of white here and there to create the vague
impression of clouds.
3. when in doubt, use grey.
4. when at wit's end, mix whatever colours you have on your palette, add water, splash.
5. always ALWAYS remember, sexyback not sexyfront. (the front means you gotta paint the face. this more or less always ends up with you in tears and your uniform in paint.)
6. specifically for MG art peeps, IGNORE mr ong at all costs. unless it's about extending your time. otherwise any scrooge or smidgen of attention you pay to him will cause your artistic brainwaves to be severely disturbed.
7. after you've given up on impressionism and torn half your hair out, it's time to switch to expressionism.
oh and just for the record, i could LOOK at lee joon ki forever but i'd much rather physically BE with eeteuk. i love both very very much. i do not love them such that i'd fly all the way to korea to take a bullet for them. frankly i'd much rather take my crush out to coffee bean ^^ (for those in the know. ;] )
for those whom i couldn't give oranges to cuz i ran out, come to my house after your st lukes visit (it's a stone's throw away!) for a orange orgy!
what was the last thing the PE teacher said before she died?"return the javelins to me!"-pick up lines-
Q: is your dad a terrorist?
A: no. why?
Q: cuz
YOU DA BOMB.Q: d'you like prunes?
A: no.
Q: how 'bout a
DATE?Q: is your name jenny? (example only)
A: yes.
Q: can i call you jenny?
A: yes.
CYA! (:
You coloured my life @
9:44 PM
Friday, February 01, 2008
for the uninformed, no the art girls aren't all overweight and have to take a pre-physical fitness test to train for pft.
it's the @#£$%^&* nanyang academy of fine arts! AHHHHHHHHHHHH *runs all over the place ole-ing and gan-bei-ing yakult*
ohmanohman EVERYONE there is hyperfunky in their own hyperfunkily different way! like ARGH - EVERYTHING there is made up of art la. art is in the foundation. the peeps there have their own whitewashed workspace and they fill it up with all sorts of artistic flotsam and jetsam and ohman the WHOLE PLACE just looks like one whole work of art. srsly the gallery featuring the REAL artworks couldn't be less interesting compared to WHERE they were made. you've got SKETCHES on the walls, polaroids lining the wall in a to-die-for pro fashion, emo slashes of paint EVERYWHERE and EVERYTHING! AHHHHHHHHHHH and then of course you have these people walking around in to-die-for hyperfunky jeans made up of black patches with gothic white text printed all over the place and random zips leading nowhere lining every other half square metre, and yes OF COURSE they made it themselves it's NAFA people, NAFA where i BET everyone makes an artwork of the remains of their meals and hammer up their own jewellery and SEW THEIR OWN CLOTHES and probably even the bricks of their apartments are individual works of art with every granule of concrete representing a profound philosophical concept or something.
if we could die for to-die-for things, i'd have died a thousand times over already.
oh yeah it also didn't help with the dying factor that we were all walking around with PROFOUNDLY HEAVY SCHOOLBAGS loaded with all of mr yeo's a math and e math bibles and chem textbooks to study for a chem test we're having on monday =_= and the lifts were all so effing crowded we took the stairs 90% of the time. T_T felt like OBS all over again. and after that we gungho-edly WALKED over to plaza sing to reward ourselves for surviving the week with a round at the gastronomical heaven in the basement. oh yeah and guess what? NO benches in the basement. therefore STOOD AROUND AND ATE until we just collapsed in the corner of one restaurant and they very very kindly allowed us to hide there to consume our illegal goods. but tha was just for like half an hour and half an hour later we were back to standing, standing on the effing crowded train with no space to even put my bag down and all in all i think i carried that load of gold for about 4 hours nearly consecutively =_= my shoulders ain't ever gonna be the same again.
ah well~
oh i say- LEARN A CHEER!
it's a whimsical, feel-good thing you can always chant to yourself while drawing sensous mathematical curves under a bodhi tree.
siiiine, cosine throughout the entire cheer like you're reciting trigonometry formulae in the bathtub]
[then rap out the following in a cheery bouncy happy chappy manner like the way you pop the champagne after you're sure you've failed your math test and you decide to live life to the fullest because heck you ain't gonna make a living equating numbers with alphabets.]
(courtesy of buddy.)
cya! (:
You coloured my life @
8:03 PM