Sunday, November 18, 2007
oh yeah i kinda forgot to blog about japan in light of the camp. weelll it kinda got a bit rotten at times due to person X (no reference to previous post) who showed me a side of her i kinda didn't want to see. but OH WELL
look at these cosplayers babes.

COMPLETELY hot girls that put manga guys to shame.

coupla black and white peeps (:

chobits and alice in wonderland!

some really pretty costumes (:

PRINCE OF TENNIS! they're an awesome cool bunch, you can really see they enjoy each other's company a LOT and stuff and they're really friendly to noobie foreigners like me too ^^
why on EARTH can't singapore organise her cosplay events PROPERLY?!
be yourself day man!
imma be a professional cosplayer when i grow up XD
aiight catch ya later ^^
the Darkening Dawn
You coloured my life @
8:50 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I LOVE YOU GUYS RED BULLS.You people really made my days at camp the best there could possibly be.
Thanks to RENAULT for being the awesomest, awesomest group ever. You guys really pulled through and gelled together (albeit without me T_T) on those long bus rides and I'm just really, really proud of all of you ^^
Thanks to my DEVOTIONS COMM PEEPS who were always always there for me and who supported me all the time. Would've dieded without all of you man. I love you guys too!
Thanks to BOSS who made time just to come to camp and lasted 3 days 2 nights with us and watched over the sec2s like a wonderful tender loving mother ^^ And who rescued me from the sharing thing, and who was always there for everyone and I especially appreciate that (: I LOVE YOU BOSS.
Thanks to SARCH who was an awesome awesome mate to have throughout the whole gruelling process. For standing beside me and covering up for all my non-existent high notes, for looking out for everyone, for keeping that sense of humour alive in the midst of all these troubled waters ^^ Don't be so hard on yourself okay dear? We all love you and respect you all the same (:
Thanks to BAT, who appeared halfway through the camp and just really made my day not just with that awesome cute thing she brought for me, but just by her presence alone (: As she always does. I LOVE YOU BAT! Even though I only saw you for a really really short time, but it was enough to make me happy again and keep me going for the next 24 or so hours (:
Thanks to my FELLOW SFs, who just really were there for each other and cheered each other on at 3am in the morn =.= Camp would have been SO different with a different bunch of people. Yup so thanks so much all of you, and we all PULLED THROUGH TOGETHER!!! Thanks especially to my contemporaries the RENAULT SFs, Grace Lee and Jia Ni, for making life so much funner and lively XD we shall all cheer XX person on together! XD
Thanks to the TEACHERS, if any of them actually happen to chance by here. You people really examplify servant leadership, staying up the latest, being the most patient with all the glitches and everything that went wrong, being so understanding, holding the whole camp together with your care and concern and wisdom and good sense of fun. THANKS TEACHERS. You're the funkiest bunch of teachers I've ever seen.
Now go bed.
Cheers to everyone! Goodnight!
You coloured my life @
8:04 PM