You colour my life.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
If I were to pontanc school completely and stay at home to eat sleep and make merry,

I bet I could put in 3h naps daily and still be 1001% more productive than if I were to go to school, since I'd be trying to do the same thing (revise like extretraszz) under the desk in school. So might as well bring everything home and set up shop for REAL and do some real solid studying right? Then you won't get interference from up the front of the class from a drone.

I think I shall start looking for a possible flu virus donator.

Life is like cheesecake, full of holes, spongy, dubious foundations, and melts into a puddle of fermenting dairy products.

You coloured my life @
10:05 PM

Friday, September 14, 2007
Goodness today was super dumb la.

Went down at 6.15./Bus wasn't there/Freaked out a bit/Started pacing to and fro
6.20/Increase speed of pacing/mutter incoherently/"Why isn't he here? Why isn't he here!"
6.25/"I think this time his diarrhoea's really bad or something"/"But I need to get to school!"
So at this point I called my buddy and buddy got daddy and daddy gave me bus uncle's number. So I called him.

"Uncle where are you now?"
"Eh. I'm on my way to school-"
"But you haven't picked me up yet!!!!!!!"
"Huh. But today you got no school what."
"Of COURSE I got school! Can please come and fetch me now?(!!!!)"
"But Hock Seng say today only P6 and Sec4 got school"
"NO! I HAVE SCHOOL TODAY! Can come and fetch me now?(!!!!!!)" *tears hair in frustration*
Short silence.
"Okay you wait for me."

And you know what, if I hadn't called him, about 3 or so other people would've been left stranded at different, unstrategic points about the island. T_T Man tha' was a close shave. If there's anything in the world I'm scared of, one of it's being late for school. It's a mortal fear of walking into school with all the prefects ready to whip out their little blue cards, everyone watching you, and you having to repeat your explanataion 1000+++ times to save your own stupid face.



Happy Birthday Lydia Yeo! (aka Aggie)
You're an awesome awesome friend.
I love you! <333

Hahahaha today we celebrated lyddie's b-d! All of her friends unfortunately being extremely financially challenged, we substituted a luxurious, deluxe creamy cake for a common local delight, lor mai kai. ^^ (Yeah we had to reserve it man. Lucky we realised in time. By the time we rushed there, there were only two left ^^) Spent about five minutes trying to light the candles. Firstly lighter didn't work. So after several "OUCH!"s and "you do it!"s, the lighter finally produced a substantial flame. Then the candles wouldn't light. Yeah la louya candles. Then when the candles finally got lit, the wind started blowing and 5/6 of the candles went out! So had to re-light everything again about 3 times. T_T

Today I set a new record.
During chem, I
1) Paid 100% attention 100% of the time.
2) Understood 100% of what Miss Sim said.
3) Did NOT fall asleep at ALL.
4) Didn't even THINK about falling asleep.

I think someone reprogrammed me in my sleep last night.
And I slept at 4.
Talk about miracles man.
From now on REDOX REACTIONS are gonna be my best subject. ^^

Aside from that, I would like to announce my new save cost policy.
The policy entails keeping your wallet bulging through giving up recess to (choose one) a) STUDYSTUDYSTUDY or b) play badminton.
This will last until the end of EOYs. The cash saved through this policy will be used to fund our midnightly EOEOYs (End Of End-Of-Years) parties. For those going for Japan sabbaticals, the money raised (or saved) can also be used to obtain a frilly new gothic lolita costume or something.

Dear Lord, this time I am really not kidding. I need Your help. Will be needing it asap, for as long as possible. Glory to your name. Amen.

Mmm strive on!

the Darkening Dawn

You coloured my life @
8:22 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007

i got myself landed in a horror movie today. at 9p.m. in vivocity.

cuz my dad was in the SAF once and so when he renews his safra membership or something, he gets these premiere (!!) movie tickets and so we sat down in the (very) plush, opulent vivocity cinema hall ONE (meaning it's a whole lot more plush and opulent than the rest of them) and settled back for what we thought was going to be a pleasant, enjoyable show.

how wrong we were - or how wrong I was.

first scene: blue-green-black pharmacy scene, a woman (nicole kidman) desperately rummaging through the shelves, shaking pill after pill into her hand, and downing them with a bottle of soda from the fridge.
second scene: spacecraft explodes in the atmosphere. pieces land all over the place. it's contaminated. (oo.) and of course, this high-up man touches one of the pieces and cuts himself. (double oo.)
third scene: man comes home, his dog is scared of him. at night, this other boy in another house has a nightmare, and we cut to the man in bed sleeping. his face is horribly, grotesquely deformed, covered with a thick, muddybubbly greyish-beigish greasy substance.
and so on.
people infected (and there are a lot of them, because the high-up-infected-man is forcing everyone to take "vaccines" for the new and deadly "flu") stand on the pavements, everyone and anyone, in black suits and ties and uniforms and carrying businessman briefcases and everything, and stare at you. you who are not contaminated.
they go after you.
you can't trust anyone.
and so on.

... damn i am not going to catch myself being the last one to go to bed anytime soon. because that entails switching off the lights on one end of the dining room and crossing that huge dark abyss between that place and the safety of my bedroom.

and after all the efforts i've been making to keep myself out of horror movies! this is like, the third one i've seen in my entire entire life? the first one was when i was really, really, really small. it was this vampire show that i hurriedly excused myself from five minutes into the show. the second one was "the Mummy". had nightmares for two weeks after that.

third one?
well. i haven't tried sleeping yet.
oh yeah, did i mention that when you get the virus, because the virus incorporates this human hormone in itself which is responsible for the natural human process of sleep, the transformation into the grosteque thing begins only when you fall asleep. (after that you wake up, peel everything off and voila, you're one of them) damn tha was the scariest part man. you see the people who are still people muttering to themselves, don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep... the first scene is replayed and now you know what kidman was trying to do; keep herself awake.


okay whatever imma forget about it.

there are a few people i wanna thank.
1. daddy for bringing me to see the movie and buying me borders stuff. ^^
2. buddy for allowing me to disturb you all the time.
3. BATRISHIYA who is an awesome awesome awesome chem tutor! I LOVE YOU BAT are you sure you don't want payment?
4. everyone else who makes my day, everyday.

right. i'll elaborate another day. gtg knock off. haha see you everyone ^^
<33 the Darkening Dawn


You coloured my life @
11:48 PM

Monday, September 03, 2007
excretrrasss. (say ex-skrrrrrr[think a Harley Davidson revving up)ee-trrr(ditto)ahzzz.)

That's my new phony Spanishy-pro-sounding cussword for s**t, or, more generally, anything to do with d**n, h**l, and basically @#£$%^&*. Feel the satisfying vroom-vrrooom of your tongue rolling up in novel and equisite manners as you swear with a flourish!

(Of course I'm not really going to use it. As i've stressed, in a fast-paced society, there ain't no time for fancy verbal executions. It's just a back-up plan for when Ahmah [not her real name] goes all saintly and tells me off for saying all those poor discriminated-against English words. Basically, it's in the same league as damnation and faecesco.)

But really, this isn't a new topic, is it? We ostracize uncouth members of the society who say what they want to say in the simplest manner possible, in the most direct manner as possible. And yet we allow the "upstairs" to say exactly the same things, and we even nod sanctimoniously along with them. We may even raise a finger to make a delicate point of concurrence, raising a small intellectual discussion and everyone leaves the debate feeling satisfied and distinctly civilised. The only difference is that the "upstairs" speak in honeyed, perfectly coiffed tones (okay, this doesn't really apply in Singapore but all the same T_T) while "the others" rap out their opinions in grating voices. It's not even a matter of the ability of articulation. In fact, which is easier to understand: "I must express my complete and utter disconsolation and disturbance of heart at... am emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and grammatically affected by... in general... there i must reiterate that... I am most displeased." Compare this to "I think it sucks. Bad." Where have we time to spare for big words in an increasingly fast-paced society?

Education, civilisation, meritocracy? A regard for all opinions by anyone and everyone?

How disgusting.

/damn. i feel like a total idiot. everytime i spend more time with her it's like i'm wasting my time and worse, hers. like what the hell? since when did i develop such a repulsive inferiority complex? if i can't even respect myself, how do i expect others to return me the regard i have for them? and i was so stupid as to think i could be any better than what she already has. i. am. a. total. damn. idiot. and i'm like an addict. i can't stop doing what i'm doing, acting like a complete and useless fool. can't even bring joy to the person i want most to bring joy to.

this is such a waste of time.
i'm not going to spend any more on this. time, energy, money, even EMOTION, like what the hell? since when did i become so freaking emo?/

ANYWAY. shall not think about that anymore. sometimes i need to remind myself i'm only human. but then ARGH! why are humans such weak useless creatures?!?!?!?!?! - well i guess that does put the fun in life. -but one thing i know is i am NOT having fun right now. T_T


We. Thrashed. Chinese High.
hahahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHha.ha.ha. really got to hand it to them. Claire Tan, Melissay Tay and Charleen Wong. Oh yeah and Lala and um, 2G girl? Patricia?

Thanks for the totally jubilant afternoon.


Mmm I am going to contradict myself now. In a debate, language does matter. (But only in a debate, because you need to have enough vocabulary to talk for 6min and try to confuse your opponents. Well, what can I say? Debate is a high-class sport.) BUT SERIOUSLY! Listen to the CH boys and if you weren't from MG, you'd have squirmed in your seat for them. I shan't give examples here in case I'm brought to court for causing interschool disharmony or something.

But good job la, Chinese High guys. It was a good fight with three sexy hot females against whom you knew you could never win.


Oh yeah, and congrats to buddy for finally(!) achieving a non-holey dentist trip! (For those who know/can figure out what I'm talking about, CLAP!)

Alright dearies, or whoever reads my blog at all, the Darkening Dawn must take her leave!

-with a flourish,
the Darkening Dawn

The seconds are ticking by... The ominous Pile awaits.

You coloured my life @
8:02 PM


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Your loves.





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