Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I ROCK AT STONINGat the back of the class, especially. T_T
But you can't help it when you're sitting at the back of the class, and all the information spews out from the teacher's mouth...
...condenses in the air...
...flies in one graceful arc to land -> . <- here. and you sit here, at X.
Through cross-referencing, triangulation and drawing up projected results etc etc... We have deduced, incidentally, that . also happens to be the exact same spot that the Genius Claire Tan (GC Tan) sits.
We wonder.
We also moan.
(Bemoaning our fate that our
fengshui there at our kingdom at the back of the class is so bad, not even brainwaves can get through.)
And we laugh.
Laugh about the fact that we don't understand a
word of the alien language (a mix of occasional numbers, copious alphabet, greek alphabet, with a smattering of fractions and decimals in a stewy medley of operational signs). ["do you get -" "*shakes head*" "... ahHAAHAHAHA aiya fail la fail la" *break out into peals of insane laughter*]
Laugh about the teacher's day gift we're going to give teacher X - that is, the
Monolouger of the Year Award. I mean, she seriously deserves recognition for coming to class everyday and clock in at least 40min of pacing to and fro and all around the class, writing occasional things on the board occasionally, popping an occasional question and of course, talking to herself. No really, it takes real skill and effort, that.
Laugh about all the rhetorical questions everyone tries to ask us. "Do you get it?" "Understand? 懂吗?" and after all that, "Are you two alright?"
Life... is one big cheesecake, full of holes and rapidly decomposing into a pile of mushy dairy products.Nehh. Update more another time. Maybe then major project code: Impossible would have gotten off to a kick-start. Then I maybe I'll stone at rocking or something. Make some sense. Do some studying. Be happy some. ^^
In a fast paced society, there is always a need for speed.CYASOMETIMESOON! <333 the Darkening Dawn
You coloured my life @
10:09 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
hmm. a lot of people have been mmm very - shall we say - uptight? lately. and very err. confused. HAHAHA forget it la YES SZE WING i'm talking about you. so anyway i shall dedicate this post to you ^^

2) if you don't like professional-looking, clinically whtie ones, pop TIHS one:


4) kit kat in six pack. spoiled for choice!

5) otherwise just sleep with ice-cubes. like this smooth, sensational sample here.

cheers, jaimela
You coloured my life @
1:03 AM