Thursday, August 03, 2006
Black is the best, cool or hot. Literally, and pun-ishly.
I mean, black is cool. Everyone agrees on that. Don it, and the attitude, the figure, the charisma, and the
look just comes on like that. *snap* Pair it up with anything, and you get
funky. Because of this, black is arguably the safest colour to wear when you're a celebrity with 5min to prepare for your big day. (By the way this - that is, leaving 5min to prepare - is not advisable in the least because it means that you a. can't do makeup b. can't go toilet in time and most importantly c. can't admire yourself in the mirror.)
And yet, black is also scientifically the hottest colour - for lack of a better word, because black is the
absence of colours - in the universe. Black only occurs when there is no light, and thus no colours, because colours come from light. And because black is such a good absorber of light energy, it naturally becomes hot.
How cool can that be? Science agrees with fashion. A historic moment.
You coloured my life @
3:48 PM